About me

Hello there, I'm Ionut, on my real name, but my friends call me Jonu. At the moment, I spend my days in Bucharest, but who knows where the future will take me?... ohh and by the way I'm a big fan of remote work.

As I'm still figuring out how my life is going to look in the future, I'm happy to say that I am a curious learner of all things. In addition to programming, football and going to the gym, I like to build memorable experiences with great people.My programming journey began with an internship at Endava, where I learned to develop applications from scratch using front-end technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.After that, I worked as a Junior Front-end Developer at LeadLion, focusing on responsive design and using technologies like JavaScript, jQuery, React and Sass/Less. I also gained practical experience with Docker, PHP, MySQL, Magento 2, Knockout.js and Jenkins.Currently, I'm a Front-end Developer and UX/UI Team Coordinator at DEUTSCHE BANK, where I lead the development of internal applications using React, TypeScript, Redux and Material-UI. I also work with Webpack, AG Grid and Node.js, ensuring security and performance, and managing the CI/CD setup with Jenkins, while handling testing with Jest and Playwright.I do this work because I love it. I enjoy the industry, the people I meet, and talking about programming. Most of all, I like making the web a better place.For me, it's simple: I want to create amazing websites and apps that make your business shine — and yes, it boosts my ego too.There are two core Principles I like to live my life by:In my free time, I usually play football or hit the gym, watch a lot of vlogs about the crypto world, start side projects (hoping not to abandon them) and learn about the latest programming technologies.And there you have it — a brief about me. Want to know more or have a chat? Don't hesitate to contact me.